Friday, November 30, 2012

Starting Your Self Storage Business

So you want to start your own self storage business ? And you are wondering how hard it can really be? It can be hard or easy, but most likely it will be somewhere in between. Starting a self storage business is much like starting any other self owned company. There are certain aspects that can be applied to any company that is being started by an individual, on a fairly small scale.

First of all, you will want to know if there are any types of business grants you can get from the government or other sources. If so, this could help greatly in the overhead you will have to have up front to start the self storage business to begin with. If, however, you do not have access to anything like this, or you do not qualify, you will have the dilemma of having to come up with your own capital to start your self storage business venture. Of course, many people get either sponsors or investors to help them at the beginning, paying them back with some little interested when their company is up and running and doing well. This is also an option for you, but only you know if it is the path you would need to take for your self storage business plan.

Coming up with a good name for your company is one of the fun parts of starting your own business. It can be personal, or more generic, obviously not offensive to anyone or to the region you are in. Many people name their personal businesses after themselves or a family member. Whatever name you come up with, try to make it as catchy as you can while remaining professional sounding as well.

Location is always of utmost importance. Think about the type of company you will be starting, and then ask yourself if there is a certain audience or type of customer it will attract more than others. For instance, the simple example of gas stations being placed strategically close to highways or main roads, where visibility is the highest. With location in mind for your company, you will perhaps not need to spend quite as much as others might have to spend on advertising, as your company will advertise itself.

Hire an attorney. Any company needs a legal authority, even if it is just for advice. Unless you are a well seasoned and highly experienced businessman or businesswoman, you will need to have someone to explain the loopholes and ins and outs of running your own company, which can be very tricky at times. Also when you own your own company, there are always legal documents, etc. Having an attorney who works for you will make it much easier when it comes to understanding what the fine print of these types of documents means.

Business cards are a handy and fairly inexpensive way to advertise and promote your company, whether you are just starting or have been around for years. Make sure you come up with a catchy logo to go with your companys name, and make the cards easily available to all customers to encourage their circulation.

Last but not least, charge competitive prices. If you charge too low, people will consider that your services are inferior. If you charge too high, people will write you off immediately. Do your homework on what other similar companys charge for the same services you are providing. If you wish to establish your name at the get go and you can afford it, undercut these other business at first, and then raise your prices gradually later. These tips work well whether you are starting a self storage business or any other type of company.

1 comment:

  1. Self storage software provides the best and latest technology to keep the extra household items secure. There are various companies that knew about this and reached in extreme top position.
